« choose your next car: fiat duna, toyota prius or ferrari f60?

July 26, 2009 • ☕️ 1 min read

[caption id="" align=“alignnone” width=“950” caption=“Mass Production”]


[caption id="" align=“alignnone” width=“600” caption=“Lean”]


[caption id="" align=“alignnone” width=“776” caption=“Craftsmanship”]


If you’re lucky, you can afford Craftsmanship, good for you. You’ll have top quality, in a hand crafted sports car.

Or if you didn’t follow the market in the last 20 years you’ll opt for a second hand Fiat Duna, mass produced in Brazil in the nineties and you will spend almost nothing (well not including costly maintenance): nobody wants a Duna!

Maybe you want to go lean. You want to spend a little more and be environmentally friendly (the Prius is a Hybrid) and get a sweet piece of technology.

The challenge for the Craftsmanship movement is to keep the cost low, the challenge for the lean movement is to show to all the world how great the quality/price relationship is.

There’s no hope for you if you’re following mass production/waterfall process: you will end up with an ugly broken car.