« Domain-driven Design: What Is It?

October 23, 2006 • ☕️ 1 min read

Domain-driven Design: What Is It?

What Is Domain-Driven Design?
Over the last decade or two, a philosophy has developed as an undercurrent in the object community.The premise of domain-driven design is two-fold:

  • For most software projects, the primary focus should be on the domain and domain logic; and
  • Complex domain designs should be based on a model.

Domain-driven design is not a technology or a methodology. It is a way of thinking and a set of priorities, aimed at accelerating software projects that have to deal with complicated domains.

To accomplish that goal, teams need an extensive set of design practices, techniques and principles. Refining and applying these techniques will be the subject of discussion for this site, generally starting from the language of patterns laid out in Domain-Driven Design, by Eric Evans.

A good article to start understanding the differences from MDD (model driven) and DDD is this article, always from Eric Evans.