« november speeches

November 13, 2007 • ☕️ 1 min read

It will be an honor to speech after the key note of Tim Mackinnon at the AgileDay organized by Marco in Bologna, I’ll present how we went from amber to green in four weeks in our last project in London, presenting a speech that Pat and I were setting up for the Xpday in London, but we were fired off cos it was “just” a description of a perfectly aligned agile/XP project, they said(!).

It will be also cool to speech again about Domain Driven Design at the Javaday in Rome, with 700 expected attendees that’s now the biggest Java Gig in Italy, it will be the 3rd refactoring of the slides presented since this summer, more focus on mocking, testing and IOC as well, since in Turin I had a lot of questions about it.

Slides in English coming soon here, after the events.