« on putting tasks on the story wall

March 17, 2010 • ☕️ 1 min read

Somehow it happened, the wall was full of cards, literally there was no more space for adding anything anymore. I didn’t count them but probably we had more cards this week than in the last 2/3 iterations summed up together.

I went mad, I started grouping them. Then I realized why I hated so much all those cards sticked on the wall: it seemed impossible to make it.

Putting tasks on the story wall is a very dangerous activity, basically you loose in the blink of an eye all your knowledge on the team work load and on the team todo and done.

A card is like a tile, the lanes on the wall have fixed size, it’s a constrain, it’s a choice, you cannot change the size of the smallest story while the project is ongoing, you will loose track of what’s going on.

Extending this then I thought about our bigger story cards, we are currently using three sizes, 1 story point (S), 2 story points (M), 4 story points (L).

In theory you may try having three different sizes of paper cards, probably in that way you will better understand the load on the wall, or even better try to split those huge cards in smaller ones, as much as possible (always good).

Putting tasks on the story wall using the same card format/color as stories is seriously dangerous, use a dedicated swim lane, group them or write a card that contains similar tasks all together.