« Railing while waiting for India

October 4, 2006 • ☕️ 1 min read

Since I’ll have some spare days before going to the TW Immersion in Bangalore I’ve decided to study a bit Ruby and Ruby on Rails… Everyone says that’s fantastic, so let’s try it no?

Well, I’ve followed this short quick start tutorial: http://www.zabada.com/technology/Wiki.jsp?page=RubyOnRailsQuickStart and in really few minutes I had a simple CRUD web app with validation… The strange thing is that I didn’t wrote any line of code… Was just some commands on the command line… Incredible…

So the first impression is good, I like it, now I’ll follow this tutorial which looks more complete and powerful http://www.rails4days.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Rails4Days.pdf but not updated! It runs with an old version of ror!
Good stuff, good stuff ;-)