« the fit* stuff

April 12, 2007 • ☕️ 1 min read

Felix is right

In the point of programming is to create and clarify meaning. Not to obscure it.

in the Ward Cunningam page I read:

Framework for Integrated Test, my version of TDD.

Version of TDD? I hope that there’s a mistake on the html… Fit is TDD? Sounds blaspheme to me.

I don’t like all the fit stuff and I never liked.

I heard of testers frustrated writing tons of tables on its wiki. Tables? Where does come from the idea to have this world table oriented? Wasn’t object oriented?

I hate fitnesse. I am so sorry but I deeply hate it.

Especially if people pretend to have code coverage with it. Especially if I have to wait hours for some integration tests made with it.

I’m for unit tests, with some mocks maybe sometimes. It’s faster, easier to understand, easier to refactor, to change.

Testers spent a lot of time understanding/playing/bla bla bla with fitnesse, why not putting them with their pairing front of a good eclipse installation and let’s get the party started with some unit tests?