« Walking away from Twitter

November 12, 2017 • ☕️ 1 min read

This is the third post of 3 on walking away from social media, inspired by this article.

I’ve been using less and less Twitter, and I’ve decided it’s not worth using it anymore.

Of all of the 3 Social Media that I’ve decided to cut off with, Twitter was the ‘most friendly’ for deletion.

I’ve used TweetDelete for this, what the app made me realise is that tweets are highly ephemeral, a tweet that is older than a month is basically pointless, the linked data will be crawlable and searchable, so basically your old tweets are just food for marketing, advertising, data crunchers, machine learning.

I am not 100% if I’ll stay off from it, and I am keeping my lovely username which has only six letters, the fact that deleting is actually quite doable makes me trust a little bit more this platform.

However, if I’ll ever be back I might use tweet delete to keep the timeline short, deleting old tweets.

As a computer engineer I also find amusing that Twitter caches so badly the tweets counts, they are a bit better at counting likes (smaller numbers), but I have no likes or tweets.


There seems to be a bug also on my home page, I’ve unfollowed everyone but Twitter still thinks I am following a couple of users.