« When made in Italy is not only fashion

February 13, 2009 • ☕️ 1 min read

Francesco just published his brand new website about the pomodoro technique and Staffan just published the first draft on the technique of his book.

As an additional coincidence Renzo talked about it at the Software Craftsmanship Meeting.

All around the world from Sweden to the US it’s all about italian tomatoes!

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that can be used for any kind of task. For many people, time is an enemy. The anxiety triggered by ‘the ticking clock’, especially when a deadline is involved, leads to ineffective work and study habits which in turn lead to procrastination.

The aim of the Pomodoro Technique is to use time as a valuable ally in accomplishing what we want to do in the way we want to do it, and to enable us to continually improve the way we work or study.